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by faithrang 2023. 11. 11.



형의 복륜 품종이다. 잎은 넓고 두꺼우며, 약간 입엽성의 희엽으로, 역동적이고 웅장한 일품이라고 할 수 있다. 본 종은 미야자키(宮崎)현 산의 대형 청근 청축에 황호(黃縞)인 [부귀지광(富貴之光)]에서 복륜으로 변화된 것이다. 무늬는 약간 후천성(後天性)으로, 새로 나오는 잎은 연두색처럼 나온 후, 흰빛은 띤 황색(黃色)의 대복륜으로 된다. 특히 잎의 무늬가 붙음매까지 연결성이 돋보인다. 부귀란 미술 도감에 실려 있는 [학지화(鶴之華)]라는 품종은 본 종의 별명이다.



Ilryun Bugwi (日輪富貴): The Grand Cyclical Beauty

Overview: "Ilryun Bugwi" stands as a large, cyclical orchid variety, known for its dynamic and majestic features. Its broad, thick leaves, slightly deciduous in nature, contribute to its impressive stature. Originating from the grand yellow-ho orchid [Bugwijigwang (富貴之光)] in the vast mountains of Miyazaki, this variety underwent a transformation into a cyclical form.

Leaf Characteristics: The leaves of "Ilryun Bugwi" are notable for their breadth and thickness, portraying a slightly deciduous, vibrant foliage. The overall impression is one of dynamism and grandeur, making it a distinguished specimen among orchids.

Origin and Transformation: Derived from the large blue-rooted yellow-ho orchid [Bugwijigwang (富貴之光)] in the mountains of Miyazaki, "Ilryun Bugwi" represents a cyclical evolution of its predecessor. The cyclical form adds a new dimension to its already impressive profile.

Pattern and Coloration: The pattern on the leaves is somewhat acquired, showcasing a unique transformation over time. Emerging leaves initially take on a vibrant green hue, gradually transitioning to a splendid cyclical pattern in hues of white-tinged yellow. Particularly noteworthy is the seamless connection of the leaf pattern to the leaf margin.

Artistic Nickname - Hakjihwa (鶴之華): Featured in the Bu-gwi Art Catalog, this variety is affectionately referred to as "Hakjihwa (鶴之華)." This artistic nickname further emphasizes the ornate and captivating nature of "Ilryun Bugwi" in the realm of orchids.

In essence, "Ilryun Bugwi" encapsulates the grandeur of cyclical beauty, drawing inspiration from its origins in the Miyazaki mountains. With its bold foliage and intricate patterns, this orchid variety continues to enchant enthusiasts and stands as a testament to the captivating diversity within the orchid family.





It is a large, double-wheeled breed. The leaves are wide, thick, and slightly granular, and can be said to be a dynamic and majestic gem. This bell was changed from [Buguijigwang (富貴之光)], a yellow name, to Bokyun (黃縞) on the large Cheonggeun Cheongchuk in the mountains of Miyazaki Prefecture. The pattern is somewhat acquired, and the newly emerging leaves appear light green and then turn into whitish-yellow outer rings. In particular, the connectivity of the leaf patterns, right down to the joints, stands out. The variety called [Hakjihwa (鶴之華)], which is included in the Bugwiran Art Encyclopedia, is the nickname of this species.



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