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은설령, 녹양

by faithrang 2023. 11. 14.



The Silver Snow Mountain is a unique orchid variety characterized by its single-leafed, white tiger type, known as 'Seochulye.' This particular specimen was selected at an orchid farm in Gyeonggi-do in 2006. The distinctive pattern on the leaves is congenital, creating a stunning appearance with a snow-white arc and a disjunctive incised double ring.

The leaves of the Silver Snow Mountain orchid are medium-short and wide, featuring a rounded tip. Notably, the leaf overlap is dense, contributing to excellent leaf retention. The overall aesthetic is fresh, and the compact appearance adds to its adorable charm. The name "Silver Snow Mountain" was bestowed by Nam Ki-joong, inspired by a video depicting white remaining snow on the peak of a deep mountain in late spring. Positioned on the knee axis, the attachment of the orchid is shaped like a moon.



2006년 경기도의 한 난 농원에서 선별한, 단엽(矮鷄:短葉)성, 백호(白縞)계의 '서출 예(西出芸)' 복륜 개체다. 무늬는 선천성(先天性)으로, 설백(雪白)의 호와 이접(耳摺)의 절입성(切込性) 복륜이 함께하는 복예품(複藝品)으로, 매우 아름다운 품종이다. 잎은 중 단엽이며, 폭이 넓고 끝이 둥근 감각, 특히 잎 겹침이 조밀하며 잎 유지가 매우 좋다. 전체적으로 신선한 느낌에, 콤팩트한 모습이 무척 귀여운 모습이다. 이름은 늦은 봄 깊은 산봉우리 봉우리에 하얀 잔설들이 희끗희끗 남아 있는 듯한 영상에서 '남기중' 씨가 명명했다. 니축에 니근으로, 붙음매는 월형이다.






"녹양(綠楊)" is a compound art variety of orchid that was selected at the Amami-gye Phunglan cultivation facility in Changnyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea, in 2014. It is a combination of the "호" and "복륜(虎,覆輪)" styles, creating a complex artistic orchid.

The leaves of 녹양(綠楊) are reminiscent of "환희천(歡喜天)" with an overall background of white and yellow "서반(曙斑)" (dawn spots). They feature a very narrow indigo line along the edges, forming a "사복륜" (fourfold wheel) pattern. As the leaves progress, they increase the indigo lines from the leaf center, creating a cloud-like appearance in a white and yellow color reminiscent of mist. This results in a genuine "대복륜" (big wheel) pattern resembling the shape of tiger stripes.

The clouds of "虎,覆輪" flow gently, creating a soft and mild atmosphere, yet the impact is strong, leaving a deep and impressive masterpiece. The leaves exhibit excellent leaf rolling, presenting a vibrant green foliage reminiscent of a luxuriant birch tree.



녹양(綠楊) 2014년 경남 창녕의 아마미계 풍란 배양장에서 선별된 것으로, 호, 복륜(虎,覆輪)의 복합 예(複合 藝) 품종이다. 천엽은 [환희천(歡喜天)]처럼, 전체가 白黃의 서반(曙斑) 바탕에 가장자리로 아주 좁게 감(紺) 선을 두른 사복륜으로 나와, 다음 잎으로는 엽심(葉芯)으로부터 감을 늘리면서, 안개 모양의 백황색 구름을 띄워서, 호반(虎斑) 모양의 대복륜을 이루는 진품이다. 虎,覆輪의 구름이 온화하게 흐르는 부드러운 분위기이면서, 임팩트가 강하게 와 닿는 인상 깊은 절품(絶品)이다. 잎은 엽조(葉繰)가 좋은 입엽성 희엽에, 푸른 잎이 우거진 버들의 모습이다.

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