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by faithrang 2023. 11. 11.




부귀지광(富貴之光): Unveiling the Magnificent Miyazaki Orchid

In the world of orchids, few can rival the splendor of "부귀지광(富貴之光)," a breathtaking yellow-ho variety originating from the picturesque Miyazaki mountains. Let's delve into the enchanting details that make this orchid a standout in the botanical realm.


Nestled in the heart of Miyazaki, Japan, "부귀지광(富貴之光)" is more than just a flower; it's a testament to nature's artistry. With its grand yellow-ho blooms and distinctive features, this orchid captures attention effortlessly.

Physical Characteristics

The orchid boasts an impressive stature, characterized by its large, yellow-ho petals and thick, white leaves. The high waist adds an element of grandeur, making it easily recognizable among its floral counterparts.

Natural Yellow Arc

One of the orchid's most captivating features is its innate yellow arc. This natural coloring adds a touch of elegance, painting a vivid picture of nature's brilliance.

Leaf Spacing and Axis Straightness

The elongated spacing between leaves contributes to a straight axis, imparting a sophisticated charm. It's a visual delight, and the mesmerizing stripes extending to the wide axis only enhance its appeal.

Striking Stripes

The beauty of "부귀지광(富貴之光)" lies not only in its size but also in the intricate stripes that adorn its leaves. These stripes, extending seamlessly to the wide axis, create a mesmerizing pattern.

Name Change and Registration

Originally known as [Gijugeum (紀州錦)], the orchid underwent a name change to [Bugwijigwang (富貴之光)] when its production area shifted. The recognition in the Japan Fu貴蘭會 Directory in 2014 solidifies its status as a distinguished variety.

Double Wheel Variety

The orchid's double wheel variety, once called [Hakjihwa (鶴之華)], now goes by the name [Ilryun Bugwi (日輪富貴)]. This change reflects the evolving nature of this exceptional species.

Cultivation and Production Area

Nurtured in the renowned Mt. Wagasan, the orchid's journey involves a change in its production area, influencing its characteristics and acclaim in the botanical community.

Cultural Significance

Beyond its physical allure, "부귀지광(富貴之光)" holds cultural significance. It may carry symbolic meanings or have traditional uses within local customs.

Comparison with Other Orchids

What sets this orchid apart from its counterparts? A comparative analysis sheds light on the unique traits that make "부귀지광(富貴之光)" a standout in the orchid world.

Growth and Care Tips

For enthusiasts eager to cultivate this extraordinary orchid, understanding its optimal growth conditions and implementing basic care practices are essential.

Recognition and Awards

Explore the accolades and recognition showered upon "부귀지광(富貴之光)." Its popularity in orchid circles may be attributed to its unique features and vibrant beauty.

Cultural References in Art and Literature

Delve into the orchid's influence on art and literature, unraveling how it has inspired creative expressions throughout history.


In conclusion, "부귀지광(富貴之光)" stands as a botanical marvel, weaving together beauty, history, and cultural significance. Its captivating features and rich heritage make it a treasure in the world of orchids.





Light of wealth and fame
It is from Miyazaki and is a magnificent yellow-ho variety of blue root. The leaves are very large with wide, thick white leaves and have an impressive high waist, a characteristic that can be recognized even at first glance. The orchid is a beautiful orchid with an innate yellow arc. In particular, the spacing between leaves is long, so the axis is straight, giving it a sophisticated feel, and its attractive point is that the stripes that extend all the way to the wide axis are beautiful. This variety was changed from [Gijugeum (紀州錦)] in Mt. Wagasan to [Bugwijigwang (富貴之光)] when the production area changed, and is a newly registered variety in the Japan Fu貴蘭會 Directory (銘鑑) in 2014. And the one with a double wheel in this species was initially called [Hakjihwa (鶴之華)], but now it has been changed to [Ilryun Bugwi (日輪富貴)].




야자키(宮崎) 산으로, 청축 청근의 웅대한 황호(黃縞) 품종이다. 잎은 넓고 두꺼운 희엽의 초대형에, 허리(腰)가 높은 모습이 인상적으로, 언뜻 보아도 알 수 있는 특징을 가지고 있다. 무늬는 선천성(先天性)으로 황색의 호를 나타내는 아름다운 난이다. 특히 잎 간의 간격이 길어서 축이 곧게 올라 세련된 느낌이고, 넓은 축까지 이어진 줄무늬(縞)가 아름다운 것이 매력 포인트다. 본 종은, 和歌山 산의 [기주금(紀州錦)]에서 산지가 바뀌면서, [부귀지광(富貴之光)]으로 변경되어 2014년도 日本富貴蘭會 명감(銘鑑)에 신 등록된 품종이다. 그리고 본 종에서 복륜으로 된 것을 처음에는 [학지화(鶴之華)]라 했으나, 지금은 [일륜부귀(日輪富貴)]로 바뀌었다. 


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