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by faithrang 2023. 11. 14.




"금강보(金剛寶)" is a variety of orchid that originated as a bud mutation from "옥금강(玉金剛)" and was registered as a new variety in Japan in 2008. This particular orchid is characterized by its two-petaled stripes (호,縞). The pattern begins with a beautiful white and yellow coloration from the leaves.

Initially, the stripes were not distinctly visible, appearing slightly subdued, but after approximately two years of cultivation, noticeable yellow stripes (황호,黃縞) began to emerge. The pattern has since stabilized into its current state. While the overall appearance of the leaves is similar to the mother species, the size seems somewhat smaller, possibly due to the influence of the pattern.

The flowing white and yellow stripes (백황호,白黃縞) give the impression of liveliness, and the orchid seems to have the potential to evolve into a more complex pattern such as "복륜." The dark blue lines contrasting with the white and yellow stripes create a beautiful variety. The transformation into a "대복륜" in this species is referred to as "[금강관(金剛冠)]," signifying a crown-like appearance.


금강보(金剛寶) [옥금강(玉金剛)]으로부터 싹 변이한 두엽의 호(縞) 품종으로, 2008년도 일본에 신 등록된 품종이다. 무늬는 천엽에서부터 백황색(白黃色)을 걸치고 나오는 아름다운 품종이다. 처음에는 뚜렷하지 않게 약간 가라앉은 것 같은 縞였으나, 2년 정도 재배한 결과 눈에 띄게 황호(黃縞)를 나타내기 시작하여, 현재의 예로 안정되었다고 한다. 잎 모습 등은 모종(母種)과 같지만, 크기는 무늬 때문인지 모종보다 다소 소형으로 된 느낌이다. 호쾌하게 흐르는 백황호(白黃縞)는 복륜으로도 진화하기 쉽게 보인다. 백황(白黃)의 줄무늬는 짙은 감(紺) 바탕과 잘 대비되는 아름다운 품종으로, 본 종에서 대복륜으로 변화한 것을 [금강관(金剛冠)]으로 부른다.






"금강관(金剛冠)" is a variety of orchid that originated as a bud mutation from the 2008 Japanese registered orchid variety "[금강보(金剛寶)]." This particular variety is characterized by its complex "복륜" pattern, which emerged from a bud change in the two petals. The pattern is innate, starting from the edges of the leaves with a surrounding yellow color, and features indigo lines that run through the center of the "복륜." It is an exceptionally vibrant and beautiful variety.

The boldly adorned yellow "대복륜" (large wheel) is particularly noteworthy, representing a splendid history of prosperity. It has sparked enthusiasm for its association with everlasting prosperity. Those who can witness such prosperity directly in our generation are considered fortunate. While the overall appearance may be somewhat less abundant than the original species, the confidence is palpable in the vibrant colors of the yellow "대복륜."

The shape is characterized by a close attachment, almost resembling a straight line, from the tip to the base, creating a distinctive parabolic form.



금강관(金剛冠) 2008년도 일본 신 등록 품인 [금강보(金剛寶)]에서 싹 변화한 두엽의 복륜 품종이다. 무늬는 선천성(先天性)으로, 천엽부터 가장자리로 황색을 두르고, 감(紺)이 중통(中通)하는 복륜의 예로, 매우 화려하고 아름다운 품종이다. 호쾌하게 걸친 황대복륜(黃大覆輪)은 부귀난의 영원한 역사에 대해 화재를 일으킨 일품으로, 이러한 부귀난를 직접 볼 수가 있는 우리 세대는 행복하다고 생각한다. 모습은 원종보다 다소 적으나, 황대복륜의 색채감에서 당당함이 느껴진다. 니축에 니근으로, 붙음매는 일자에 가까운 파형이다.

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